Jasper Foolson

Jasper is Feydor, the jester’s younger brother and the middle child of Imelda Foolson. As such, he has middle child syndrome, being neither as quick-witted as his older brother nor as cute as his younger sister, Morwena. Jasper, however, has found his place in life through his extraordinary fighting skills, being an expert with the sword, bow, long staff, and, of course, his fists. He gained his skills when he was sent away to the country to stay with an uncle, a disgraced ex-knight, by his mother so she could focus all her attentions on Feydor. Jasper resents the attention Feydor got, and will do anything to please his mother, Imelda, who simply takes the devotion of anyone and everyone for granted. His relationship with his mother is bordering on Oedipal. She enjoys keeping him on his toes, randomly punishing and treating him. When Imelda gives Jasper the task of guiding William to Sardonica, he grabs it with both hands in order to please her. However, when he discovers William is a knight of the realm, he forms a deep, resenting hatred for him. Why? Because Jasper will never gain the recognition and status that goes with knighthood, owing to his low social origins. A knight usually comes from a noble family and has to undergo a difficult apprenticeship, going through the rank of Squire before he can be considered for knighthood. William bypasses all that on a mere whim of the King.